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日本共立交流钳型表KYORITSU 2040的技术参数
Digital Clamp Meters kyoritsu 2040 • Designed to meet international safety standard IEC61010-1 CAT.IV 600V. • CAT.IV Clamp Meters can measure the Voltage and Current in both very low and high power circuits. • Thus, very useful for power distribution companies, power utilities and maintenance fields. • Red LED, as "Non Contact Voltage" function, gives warning to the user on the presence of AC Voltage. • Double molding gives comfortable feeling in palm. • 6039 counts with Bar Graph display. • MIN/MAX function enables to keep easily min & max value during measurement.
2040交流钳型表 2040交流钳型表 2040交流钳型表 2040交流钳型表 2040交流钳型表
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